Due to the dominance of the Atlantic high pressure system, fresh breeze will continue to move across the island chain. A few isolated showers are forecast in a few confined areas across Saint Vincent this afternoon into tonight as slight hazy conditions can limit any significant shower activity.

Similar conditions should persist tomorrow. Sunday night into Monday a weak low to mid level shearline is forecast to generate a few scattered showers.  By Monday, moisture at mid level should increase as this low to mid level cyclonic flow brings some moisture into the vicinity. Model guidance is indicating a moderate (60%) chance for some showers late Monday night into Tuesday.

Generally easterly trades at 20km/h to 40km/h are forecast, becoming East South-East around Tuesday.  Moderate East North- Easterly sea swells peaking at 2.5m today into tonight will gradually become 1.8m – 2.0m tomorrow and Monday with a further improvement on Tuesday (1.0m-2.0m). 

By Sunday, Saharan dust mass should gradually decrease across the islands.