Friday January 17th |
Saturday January 18th |
Sunday January 19th |
Partly cloudy, breezy at times, a few scattered showers & a film of haze
Occasionally cloudy, breezy scattered showers & slight-haze |
Partly cloudy-cloudy, breezy & scattered showers |
Weather Advisory/Warning: None |
Weather Advisory/Warning: None |
Weather Advisory/Warning: None |
Seas: Slight in open water 1.0m to 1.8m / 3ft to 6ft |
Seas: Slight to moderate 1.2m to 2.0m / 4ft to 6.5ft |
Seas: Moderate in open water 1.5m to 2.5m / 5ft to 8ft |
Marine Advisory: Occasional northerly swells & rip currents |
Marine Advisory: Occasional northerly swells, gusty winds...rising swells
Marine Advisory: Above normal swells & gusty winds |
Weather Discussion:
A lower-level trough is crossing the islands and weak unstable conditions could maintain occasional cloudy skies with a few showers across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) later today (Thursday). Towards the weekend, increasing cloud-cover and scattered showers can be expected across SVG as lower-level troughs cross the islands. A film of haze may be noticeable at times, due to slight concentrations of Saharan dust.
Moderate (~25km/h) northeasterly breeze across our islands are expected to gradually increase, with wind directions ranging from northeast to east southeasterly in some locations. Fresh-occasionally strong (35 - 40km/h) breeze can be expected during Saturday and Sunday.
Sea conditions are slight to moderate in open water, with occasional northerly swells near 1.0m west of our islands and ranging 1.2m - 1.8m east of our islands. Swell heights could start rising during Saturday...Small-craft operators and sea-bathers should exercise caution for above normal swells (~1.5m west of our islands and ~2.5m east of our islands) and gusty winds starting from Saturday night and continuing on Sunday.
Meteorological Forecaster: Joan Mc Donald