While surface instability along with a mid to upper level low centered over Eastern Cuba generated showers across the Western and Central Caribbean, the Central Atlantic high pressure system continued to be the dominant feature across the Eastern Caribbean this afternoon.

At the Argyle International Airport, mostly partly cloudy skies and breezy conditions were reported, while Barbados experienced a few showers. Low level cloud patches moved across Trinidad in the south due to brisk easterlies and some showers reducing visibility were reported. 

Late tonight into tomorrow, a weak low to mid level shearline is forecast to generate a few scattered showers across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. As this shearline dips closer southwards, model guidance is indicating that an increase in showers are likely late Monday night into Tuesday with instability lingering into Wednesday across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Most of the shower activity however, is seen over Dominica and St. Lucia. 

Brisk easterlies will continue across the island chain and sea conditions are forecast to remain mostly moderate over the next few days with swells peaking to 1.5m on the west coast and 2.0m on the east coast. Saharan dust mass is decreasing across the islands.