Mostly partly cloudy skies prevailed at Argyle International Airport this morning with radar imagery indicating a few scattered showers in the interior of the country and the northern portion. 

Moisture at low levels remain elevated, and though models are indicating the presence of a trough at both mid and upper levels across the vicinity, these levels remain relatively dry. Some showers from the shearline are forecast for this afternoon with instability lasting into tomorrow. However due to the forecasted conditions of the mid to upper levels, the showers generated may be brief with model guidance still indicating most of the shower activity to be over St. Lucia. Furthermore, a slight pulse can be seen across the vicinity around Thursday. No significant shower activity is associated with it so far.

 Brisk easterlies varying on occasions from ENE to ESE at 20km/h – 40km/h is forecast with slight to moderate sea conditions (1.2m- 2.0m). A slight deterioration on the west coast from Thursday may be experienced with swells peaking to 1.5m. No significant haze intrusion is forecast within this forecast period.