Fair conditions will persist across Thursday afternoon before a wake cloud generates some cloudy skies closer to evening across SVG. The Atlantic high pressure system will remain the dominant feature over the next 3 days allowing for fair conditions. Models guidance suggests the chance of isolated passing showers is likely during day break and closer to evenings over the next few days, however daytime conditions should be relatively fair. Varying concentrations of Saharan dust haze should also be noticeable across our area during this forecast period.

Moderate to fresh (~20-35 km/h) easterly to east north easterly trades are crossing our islands, decreasing gradually across the weekend. Seas are slight to moderate in open waters with swells peaking at 1.0 m on the western coasts and near 2.5m on the eastern coasts. Small craft operators and sea-bathers should exercise caution for above normal sea swells. An improvement to sea conditions is anticipated from late Friday.


Meteorological Forecaster: Gregory Cato