The Atlantic High Pressure System with its center across the Eastern Atlantic is pumping brisk winds across the islands. Weak pulses in the trade winds near surface to low level occasionally bring few scattered showers across our area on the south-western edge of the High Pressure. During Monday, a trough (near 700mb) should be approaching the islands with scattered showers possible into Monday night.

A shearline/pulse is expected across our area on Tuesday (near 850 mb) with instability increasing Tuesday night and lingering into Wednesday. Some showers can be expected as the trough lingers across the Windward Islands, being supported by a trough line with an upper level low across the Eastern Atlantic.

Fresh to possibly strong (25-45 km/h) east North-east to East north-east trades should continue overnight. Gradually decreasing towards Tuesday with the shearline/pulse and possibly increasing again late Wednesday.

Mean sea-level pressure should range 1014 mb-1016 mb overnight, briefly increasing (1016 mb-1018 mb) Tuesday morning. Easterly sea swells are generally moderate peaking near 1.5 m on the west and 2.5 m on east, being agitated by brisk winds. A decrease in wave heights (1.2 m - 1.8 m) is be expected Tuesday afternoon into Wednesday.

Dust concentrations of varying intensity which continue to reduce visibility occasionally, should thin out by early Tuesday.