The Atlantic High Pressure System dominates our area with fair to partly cloudy conditions and moderate to fresh breeze with occasional pulses bringing few scattered showers. Early Thursday, a mid level trough could deepen across the islands with a dry side of a cyclonic circulation across our area. At lower levels the trough should cross the area by Friday afternoon with moisture converging

across the Windward Islands. Scattered showers on Friday are expected to increase overnight into early Saturday with unstable conditions lingering on Saturday….. A tropical wave is expected just south of our area by Sunday.

Moderate to fresh (20- 40 km/h) north-east trades should continue, tending to more fresh during night -time. Moderate breeze may tend to gentle (12 - 19 km/h) breeze late Friday afternoon as the trough crosses the island chain with winds veering to east-south east by Saturday.

Mean sea-level pressure should generally range 1014 - 1016 mb dipping to 1012 - 1014 mb Friday afternoon with passage of trough. Slight to moderate (1.0 - 1.8m) easterly sea swells should be north-easterly by Saturday, with some increase on the east coast to near 2.2 m.