The Atlantic High Pressure System along with dust concentrations from Saharan Air layer together, continue to dominate the weather pattern across our area. No significant rainfall accumulations are expected, as dry air associated with Saharan Air layer decreases the chances of shower activity across our area.

As the Atlantic High Pressure System steers an easterly wave/tropical wave, most of the shower activity is now expected south of Grenada. Analysis indicate that French Guiana and Suriname should expect showers during Sunday, moving through Guyana/Northeastern Venezuela, with some moisture spreading northward across the extreme southern Windward Islands by Monday. Few scattered showers and periods of rain are expected across SVG during Monday into Tuesday morning, but rainfall accumulations previously analyzed are now decreased and hazy conditions should persist.

Moderate to fresh (20 - 40 km/h) east south-easterly breeze should continue, backing temporarily to east north-east  late Sunday and becoming gentle to moderate by Monday afternoon with the easterly/tropical wave crossing the area.

Mean sea-level pressure should range 1014 mb-1016 mb, gradually rising to range 1016-1018 mb during Sunday into Monday as the High Pressure builds. A slight dip can be expected Monday afternoon as the tropical wave crosses.

Moderate easterly sea swells can be expected to peak near 1.2m on west coasts and near 2.2 m on east coasts, with swells propagating from the east north-east late Sunday, on east coasts.