Tonight, partly cloudy and breezy conditions are forecast but cloudy conditions with a few showers after midnight are likely as a tropical wave approaches the islands.

Model guidance is indicating an increase in shower activity as the day progresses. Model guidance is also indicating some strong embedded winds, and so breezy conditions will persist tomorrow.

On Wednesday, the ridge of high pressure should regain dominance; and though an upper level trough will be positioned just east of the Eastern Caribbean, very dry mid levels will inhibit any significant shower activity . Therefore some fair conditions interrupted by occasional showers due to moisture transported by strong easterly trades are anticipated for Wednesday and Thursday. Saharan dust mass may thicken on Wednesday reducing visibility. 

Generally easterly breeze, varying on occasions from East north-east to East south-east approximately 25km/h to 45km/h is forecast. Generally moderate sea conditions are likely 1.5m on the west coast and 2.5m on the east coast. Further deterioration is expected on the west coast from Tuesday afternoon into Wednesday. Small craft operators and sea bathers should continue to exercise caution.