Analysis revealed that a weak tropical wave embedded within the Central Atlantic high pressure system traverse the island chain sometime this afternoon, resulting in a few cloudy periods across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Tonight, the Central Atlantic high pressure system will dominate the weather pattern; localized shower activity is forecast to be brief due to a dry mid level.

Tomorrow, fair to partly cloudy conditions, becoming cloudy with a few showers in the evening are likely. Breezy and hazy conditions will also persist.

A tropical wave currently analyze along 42 W, south of 20N  will be in the vicinity around Friday, before the ridge of high pressure regains dominance on Saturday. Moisture levels fluctuate over the next few days, and while model guidance is not showing any significant rainfall accumulations, occasional shallow showers may still occur. 

Strong easterly trades should continue to move across the island chain and seas are to remain generally moderate in open waters (1.5m-2.0m). Haze intrusion reducing visibility should continue throughout the remainder of the week.