A tropical wave is forecast to linger across the island chain this afternoon. High moisture is associated with this wave, however, this moisture is mostly confined to lower levels and a dry, and stable mid to upper level, along with haze intrusion will limit any significant shower activity.

 Moisture levels will decrease as of tomorrow and some fair conditions are likely then before the next tropical wave analyzed at 42W approaches the islands, to affect around Sunday. A few scattered showers are forecast for Sunday, but model guidance is indicating an increase in shower activity on Monday. This is due to a southeasterly pull of low to mid level moisture from the equatorial region associated with this wave. There is a moderate chance for some isolated thunderstorms. 

Generally easterly trades, varying from NE-ESE on occasions at 20km/h to 40km/h are forecast. Seas are to remain moderate (1.5m-2.0m) in open waters, becoming slight to moderate (1.2m-1.5m) around Saturday evening into Sunday. 

A decrease in haze intrusion is forecast this afternoon, increasing again by tomorrow afternoon reducing visibility into the new week.