Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with some occasional light showers are forecast for this afternoon across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Tonight, the ridge of high pressure will be the dominant feature and some fair conditions tonight and tomorrow are likely. Breezy conditions should also persist. 

A tropical wave is forecast to move across the island chain around Wednesday generating cloudy conditions and some showers across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. An upper level trough around this time period can also lend some support to this wave resulting in possible isolated thunderstorms. 

By Thursday afternoon, model guidance is indicating a drying out of the atmosphere and some fair conditions along with the intrusion of the Saharan dust may be observed.  

Generally easterly trades, varying from ENE-ESE on occasions at 20km/h to 40km/h are forecast. Seas are to remain moderate (1.5m-2.0m) in open waters, increasing to 2.5m on the east coast around Thursday.