Lower level moisture was sufficient for brief scattered showers across the mainland today and a small funnel cloud was sited off the east coast during late afternoon. The funnel cloud and scattered showers  across mainland are associated with a wake cloud which extended off Barbados. Moisture is confined to the lower levels of the atmosphere and High Pressure System anchored on the western and eastern

Atlantic Basin; should be dominating the conditions across our islands, with breezy conditions expected by early Friday into the weekend.

Weak shearlines on the southern edge of the High Pressure could result in occasional showers across our area. Late Friday into Saturday morning, one such shearline is expected to bring scattered showers across SVG. Another weak shearline is expected by Sunday afternoon with few showers across our area. Some increase in moisture at the lower mid-levels is possible late Monday into Tuesday increasing chance for showers.

Moderate north-easterly breeze should increase to fresh (up to 35km/h) by early morning. North north-easterly fresh (30-40km/h) breeze should prevail from Friday night into early Sunday (occasionally gusting near 46km/h),  veering slightly while reducing to moderate breeze.

Slight (0.6m - 1.2m) seas on the west coasts and slight to moderate (1.2m - 1.8m) seas on the east coasts can be expected overnight into early Friday. Wave heights should be rising by Friday afternoon in response to increased wind speeds, peaking near 1.8m on west and 2.5m on east by night…Small craft operators and sea-bathers should exercise caution for above normal easterly swells and brisk winds… A temporary fall is possible during Sunday afternoon.

Mean Sea Level pressure should range 1014mb - 1016mb over the next couple days, rising slightly (1017mb) early Sunday.

Slight hazy conditions across our area reduced visibility on the horizon today, expected to vary in intensity but improve towards the weekend.