Weak unstable conditions associated with a weak trough resulted in occasional cloudiness and brief showers across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) overnight and this morning. Similar conditions should continue this afternoon. Meanwhile, the Western Atlantic High Pressure (Bermuda High) is rebuilding and isolated showers could linger into Thursday. Weak instability/pulses with shallow

cloud patches within the trade wind-flow could result in increased cloudiness and chances for scattered showers on Friday and Saturday.

Fresh north-easterly trades (30 - 40km/h) can be expected this afternoon, backing to north north-easterly late Thursday. Temporarily, some speed reduction and veering may be noticeable during by Friday afternoon.

Slight to moderate seas peaking near 1.2m on west coasts and near 2.0m on east coasts this afternoon are expected to gradually rise during Thursday; with northerly swells possible across SVG by Friday afternoon peaking near 1.8m on the west and near 2.5m on the east…Small craft operators and sea-bathers should exercise extreme caution for above normal northerly swells...Swells should be decreasing and originating from the east by Saturday.

Fairly good visibility is expected over next few days, but slight hazy conditions reducing visibility across our horizon this afternoon.