Few showers were recorded overnight, with no significant accumulations. Occasional cloudiness due to stratified clouds with few brief showers moving along the wind-flow, continue to move across our islands with no significant shower activity expected. Marginal increase in mid-level moisture could support few scattered showers across our islands by Wednesday evening into Thursday. 

Moderate (20 - 30km/h) north-easterly breeze this afternoon could increase to occasionally fresh by tonight. 

Slight (0.5 – 1.2m) sea swells, originating from north-east are across our islands. Slight increase is expected overnight to peak near 1.2m on the west and near 1.5m on east coasts. Further is possible, with wave heights peaking near 1.8m on the east coasts by Thursday.   

Barometric readings are up, ranging 1016 - 1018mb across our islands, but a dip is expected this afternoon (1014 - 1016mb). By mid-week, readings should be fluctuating between 1014mb and 1019mb as low pressure areas moves across the Northern Atlantic. 

Few small dust patches could occasionally reduce visibility on our horizon over next few days, possibly thickening on Thursday….JMCD

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