Weak instability approaching our islands could result in partly cloudy skies becoming cloudy at times with some scattered showers this evening into Tuesday. By mid- week, the Atlantic High Pressure System could be struggling to rebuild north of the island chain and a few scattered showers should be confined to the Southern Grenadines area due to a shearline feature.
Meanwhile, Low Pressure Systems in the North Atlantic with associated cold-front trails should be across the Atlantic Basin. A northward shift of the shearline feature, to be across the Windward Islands on Thursday and marginal increase in moisture at mid-levels could result in scattered showers across our area by evening.
Wind speeds have decreased, as the High Pressure is struggling to re-build, thus generally moderate (20 - 35km/h) easterly trades are expected across our islands this afternoon. Over the next few days, moderate to fresh (25 – 40km/h) north-easterly trades should move across our area during the night-time.
The rise in wave heights is delayed due to reduction in wind speeds therefore the caution has been discontinued. East north-easterly sea-swells between 0.6m and 1.2m are now expected on west coasts, while east coasts can expect sea-swells between 1.2 and 2.0m until Thursday.
Barometric readings should range between 1012mb and 1016mb across our area over the next few days.
Slight haze due to a thin film of dust concentrations across our area, should be cleared by Friday.