The Atlantic High Pressure system has regained dominance across our islands with fair, hazy and breezy conditions. A shear-line feature should be across our area late Wednesday, resulting in a few showers. The next tropical wave should bring showers with thunderstorm activity and models indicate rainfall accumulations

could near 100mm (4 inches) by late Friday, followed by a wind surge (up to 50km/h) early Saturday. A temporary decrease in moisture levels is then possible, until late Saturday as another tropical wave quickly approaches our area to affect to islands during Sunday. Moderate to fresh (25 - 40 km/h) east north-easterly breeze should continue across the islands, decreasing to moderate by Thursday. 

Moderate haze is across our islands due to patches of Saharan dust concentration of varying intensity. Sea conditions are moderate, with easterly swells ranging 1.2 – 1.8 on the west coasts and 1.8 to 2.5m on the east coast…Small craft operators and sea bathers should continue to exercise caution for above normal swells, occasional gusty winds and reduced visibility in moderate haze… Sea conditions should return to slight to moderate as wave heights fall to 1.0 - 2.0m by Thursday. 


Tropical waves between west coast Africa and Lesser Antilles: 

Along 20W/21W from 17N southward with widely scattered moderate to isolated strong rain-showers from 03N to 09N between 17W and 26W...2400miles away…vicinity Sunday 14th 

Wind surge along 31W/32W from 15N southward with no significant deep convective precipitation …1740miles away…vicinity morning Saturday 13th

Along 44W/45W from 16N southward, with isolated moderate to locally strong rain-showers from 03N to 12N between 38W and 50W...960miles away…vicinity Friday 12th

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