Dry air ahead of an approaching tropical wave should give way to increased cloudiness across St.Vincent and the Grenadines tonight, with showers and thunderstorm activity expected. Mid to upper levels should become supportive for periods of rain, occasional moderate to heavy showers and thunderstorm activity with occasional gusts by early morning Monday. Residents and motorists should be alert; as heavy rainfall may cause flash-flooding near rivers, streams and vulnerable roads

Models indicate rainfall accumulation near 125 mm (5 inches) are likely across our area.

Shower activity should be reduced by Monday evening as dry-air crosses our area at the mid-levels, ahead of a weak trough with few showers during night-time/early Tuesday. Patches of Saharan dust and associated dry-air could limit shower activity and reduce visibility with moderate to thick haze across our area on Tuesday (20 - 80 µg/m3).

The next tropical wave should be approaching the region late Wednesday.

Surface winds are expected to be moderate to occasionally fresh (20 - 35 km/h) overnight from the east north-east, veering to the south-east by morning. An easterly wind-flow is expected on Tuesday with temporary increase in wind-speeds and backing to north-easterly by evening. 

Sea conditions are currently slight to moderate, with easterly swells ranging 0.6 – 1.2 m on the west coasts and up to 2.0 m on the east coasts. Increased wind speeds could cause some rise in wave heights, peaking near 1.8 m on the west coasts and near 2.5 m on the east coast during Tuesday.

Barometric readings range 1013mb - 1015mb, but should dip overnight to 1012 -1014 mb with the crossing of the tropical wave, to rise again by late Monday.


Tropical waves between west coast Africa and Lesser Antilles:  

Along 29W S of 14N, moving W at 15-20 kt with scattered showers from 05N- 08N between 27W-30W…1920 miles away…vicinity late Wednesday into Thursday 25th

Along 52W S of 17N, moving W at 10-15 kt with scattered thunderstorms near this wave from 04N-07N between 51W-53W...540 miles away…vicinity tonight into Monday 22nd

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