A low level trough is creating weak instability with occasional showers across our islands today. Additionally, a wake cloud stretching off the west coast of Barbados during late morning, should reach mainland St.Vincent and northern Grenadine islands by mid-afternoon.

The next tropical wave should be crossing the islands on Sunday, with some showers possible across St.Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) by afternoon

into the night. Marginal upper-level conditions could support isolated thunderstorms lingering on Monday.

Gentle to occasionally moderate (10 – 30km/h) breeze should gradually increase to occasionally fresh (up to 40km/h) by late Sunday. Wind direction should vary with the passage of the weak trough and tropical wave. 

Sea conditions should be slight to moderate (1.0 - 2.0 m) in open water with easterly swells across SVG over the next few days.  

Thin patches of slight haze should not affect visibility across our islands, but dust concentrations could be thickening late Wednesday. 

Barometric readings should range 1013 - 1016mb over the next few days.


Tropical waves and troughs between west coast Africa and Lesser Antilles:  

Along 31W from 04N-19N, moving W at 15 kt with Total Precipitable Water (TPW) imagery showing abundant moisture in the wave's environment. Scattered showers are within 180 nm of the wave axis….1800miles away…based on current speed, now expected late Wednesday 14th 

Along 56W from 02N-20N, moving W at 10 kt with embedded in dry, dusty air from the Sahara inhibiting convection at this time… 300miles away… Sunday 11th

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