A few shallow showers are forecast across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines during the next 24hours. The chance of any significant shower activity is likely to take place on Thursday, with instability lingering into Friday as a shearline coupled with an upper level trough move across the island chain.
A moderate to fresh (20km/h to 40km/h) easterly wind flow, will decrease to a moderate north easterly flow ahead of the shearline around Wednesday. Wind speeds will continue to decrease thereafter, as the unstable conditions affect the islands into Friday.
A slight deterioration of sea conditions on the east coast (2.5m) is likely around predawn hours into Wednesday morning, returning to 2.0m as the day progress. After which, slight (west coast -1.0m) to moderate conditions (east coast-1.5m) will prevail around Thursday into Friday. Slight haze intrusion tonight will thin out by morning.