Patches of low-level clouds with a few showers are likely across our islands tonight. Moisture levels are limited, but marginal upper-level support could trigger showers across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) Saturday into Sunday. A mass of Saharan dust could start reducing visibility and air quality across our area during Sunday and pockets of moderate/thick haze with dry air can be expected Monday. 

Light to moderate (10 - 30 km/h) south-easterly winds could turn easterly during Monday, as a weakened High Pressure System lingers east of the island chain.

Sea conditions across our islands are slight (0.5 to 1.2 m) with northerly swells,

due to a Low Pressure System north of the island chain. Gradual rise in swell heights (near 2.0 m) can be expected on our east coasts during Saturday.