Occasional cloudy skies with a few showers are forecast today and Sunday across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. During the course of tonight (Saturday), wind speeds will  increase to approximately 30km/h-40km/h. Sunday is forecast to be breezy with winds blowing predominantly from the east north east (ENE), and also slightly hazy. Monday will be mostly fair, slightly hazy and breezy with easterly trade winds.

Seas will remain slight to moderate in open waters, with swells peaking at 1.0m on the western coasts, and 2.0m on the eastern coasts for the remainder of the day. Deterioration will begin from tonight to generally moderate conditions on both coasts. Swells are likely to peak at 1.5m on the western coasts and 2.5m on the eastern coasts. Small craft operators and sea bathers should exercise caution during this time.