Occasional cloudy skies and a few showers are forecast for tonight, and Wednesday morning, with mostly fair conditions forecast for Wednesday afternoon. An increase in cloudy conditions are likely around Thursday with showers possible on Friday mainly over the Southern Grenadines, spreading to the mainland by late evening.

An east north east to east (ENE-E) wind flow approximately 25km/h-35km/h will blow across SVG during the next 72 hours becoming east south east (ESE) around Friday night.

Seas will be slight to moderate in open waters tonight, with swells peaking at 1.0m on the western coasts, and 2.0m on the eastern coasts. A deterioration will take place from Wednesday with swells peaking at about 1.5m on the western coasts and 2.5m on the eastern coasts. Small craft operators and sea bathers should exercise caution during this time. An improvement will first take place along the western coasts on Thursday and then the eastern coasts by Friday.  In addition, there will be no significant haze intrusion within this forecast period.