Partly Cloudy to occasional cloudy skies with fresh breeze can be expected this afternoon into early Sunday. Low level moisture moving along with the brisk north easterly trades, will result in scattered showers across our islands. Few isolated showers are also possible Monday.

A possible low, just south-east of the island chain by tomorrow may be induced by an upper level trough east of the island chain. The low should become an open wave by Tuesday morning, crossing the region Wednesday with weak instability and some showers.

Moderate to fresh (25-38km/h) north-easterly breeze are expected across St.Vincent and the Grenadines this afternoon and tonight. Occasional strong (up to 48km/h) gusts are possible near showers. The increased wind effect on the ocean could result in long waves beginning to form, white foam crests are very frequent and air-bourne spray present. Exercise caution for above normal sea swells. On land, large branches may be in motion, with whistling heard in overhead wires. Empty loose objects may be dislodged.

Seas should be generally moderate (1.5-2.0m) across the islands, increasing on east coasts tonight to 2.5m before retreating on Sunday. Slight to moderate on west coast and moderate on east coasts can be expected by Monday.

Dust concentrations (80-160 ug/m**3) are possible again by mid-week (Tuesday night).