Cloudy to overcast skies accompanied by occasional showers with varying intensities can be expected across St. Vincent & the Grenadines into early Tuesday as a favourable upper level environment influences the weather conditions. A few isolated showers are expected for Wednesday while on Thursday, a weak shearline may trigger some scattered showers.

Moderate to strong (25-40km/h) east to east north easterly trades should cross the islands over the next 24 hours. Winds speed should however gradually decrease to fresh(20-35km/h) from Wednesday.

Seas are currently moderate to rough (1.5m -2.8m) in open water. Small craft operators and sea bathers should be prepared for above normal sea swells and gusty winds and exercise extreme caution. Swells could peak to 3.0m by Tuesday evening, whereas, generally moderate(1.5m -2.5m) conditions could return from mid Wednesday. In addition, dust haze concentrations should reduce around late Tuesday.

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