Tonight, isolated showers are forecast, with breezy conditions. Mostly fair conditions are forecast for Monday and Tuesday, with an increase in cloud cover and light showers anticipated from around Tuesday afternoon. Instability will continue into early Wednesday morning generating some showers across the island.

Winds will blow predominantly from the east north east to east (ENE-E) at approximately 25km/h to 35km/h. Wind speeds will decrease around Wednesday 20km/h to 30km/h. Seas will be slight to moderate in open waters, with swells peaking at 1.0m on the western coasts and 2.5m on the eastern coasts. Small craft operators and sea bathers are asked to exercise caution on the eastern coasts. A gradual improvement to 2.0m on the eastern coasts will take place from Monday evening. In addition, there will continue to be slight haze intrusion during the next 72 hours.