A few showers are forecast from time to time across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines within this 72 hours forecast period, up to Wednesday morning. The mid levels are rather dry and there are no significant features at upper levels to enhance the few weak low level pulses that will traverse the island from time to time.

Winds will blow predominantly from the east, backing to east north east on occasions at approximately 20km/h-35km/h. A decrease in wind speeds to ~20km/h-30km/h is anticipated around Monday night into Tuesday.

Seas are forecast to remain slight to moderate in open, with swells peaking at 1.0m on the western coasts and 2.0m on the eastern coasts, with slight deterioration, swells greater than 2.0m forecast from Monday evening. Swells will be mostly easterly. In addition, there will be no significant haze intrusion within this forecast period.