Occasional cloudy skies with isolated showers are forecast today as the Atlantic high pressure system briefly establishes itself across the islands. Tonight, an east-north easterly (ENE) wind flow is likely to generate some showers from unstable conditions occurring over the Northern Windwards to the northern portion of SVG.
After which, a tropical wave currently located in the mid-Atlantic, from 11N southward, is forecast to be in the vicinity around Wednesday night. There is no significant shower activity associated with this wave at this time. Any shower activity will be attributed to low level clouds moving along the moderate trade winds as model guidance is indicating a dry low- mid level atmosphere, with sinking air aloft over Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for Wednesday through to Friday.
Wind speeds will decrease (20km/h-35km/h), blowing predominantly from the east (E) this afternoon, turning east -north east (ENE) tonight. A reduction in wind speed will be noticeable as the week progress (20km/h-30km/h). Seas will remain moderate in open waters with swells peaking at 1.5m on the western coasts and 2.5m on the eastern coasts. An improvement is anticipated around Thursday.
In addition, haze intrusion will continue to thicken reducing air quality during the next 72 hours.