A weak low level trough (relatively dry) is approaching the region and may pass without much fanfare tonight. A few scattered showers can be expected overnight,

with increasing chances on Saturday as upper level support could enhance showers. In addition, a couple low level pulses are expected across the area over the weekend maintaining unstable conditions. Late Saturday, moisture levels could increase further and models indicate close to 1 inch of rainfall accumulation is possible. Cloudiness and occasional showers are expected on Sunday lingering into Monday as moisture trails behind the troughs/pulses.

Models suggest, that north of our area (Dominica, Martinique, Guadeloupe), heavier rainfall amounts can be expected over the weekend.

Our Meteorological Services will continue to monitor and advise as necessary.

Moderate to fresh (20-38 km/h) breeze can be expected overnight and into Saturday. A general decrease is expected on Sunday becoming briefly gentle by evening.

Fairly good visibility is expected to reduce as haze thickens across our area by Monday.

Seas are returning to normal, but mall craft operators and sea bathers should continue to exercise caution. Moderate (1.5m - 2.5m) seas are expected throughout the weekend.