Occasional cloudy skies with scattered showers and chance for isolated thunderstorms can be expected across St. Vincent and the Grenadines overnight into Thursday morning. A patch of slight-moderate haze may be noticeable across our area on Thursday, thinning-out to a film by evening. A low-level shear line

could maintain periods of light to moderate rain across SVG during Friday, lingering on Saturday. 

Gentle to moderate (15 25 km/h) north-easterly trades across our islands could gradually increase (~ 30 km/h) by Thursday and temporarily turn east south-easterly during the evening. Occasionally fresh (~ 35 km/h) trades are expected during Friday and Saturday.                              

Northerly swells range 0.5 m to 1.0 m on the west of SVG with slight conditions and up to 1.5 m on the east of SVG with moderate conditions in open water. North-easterly swells can be expected on western coasts during Thursday afternoon and across SVG by Friday.