A tight pressure gradient is forecast for the Eastern Caribbean over the next few days, therefore SVG can look forward to breezy conditions. An increase in cloud cover is likely late tonight along with the chance of occasional moderate showers especially along Wednesday as a jet stream provides a favourable upper level environment. On Thursday, ridging conditions should return allowing for fair to partly cloudy skies.

North east to east north easterly trades will cross the islands within the next 72 hours. Wind speeds are currently strong(near 40 km/h) but could slightly decrease to fresh(near 35 km/h) on occasions.

Presently, sea conditions are moderate, with swells peaking near 1.5 m on western coasts and around 2.5 m on eastern coasts. Small craft operators and sea bathers should exercise caution for above normal sea swells and occasional gusty winds. In addition, haze intrusion of varying intensities is anticipated over the next few days.