Weak instability associated with an easterly wave/pulse within the east north-easterly wind flow, will generate periods of cloudiness and showers across the area today.

Another weak surface to low level trough is expected late Thursday. Although mid levels continue to be dry, some occasional cloudiness and showers are expected due to low level moisture. Moisture is expected to linger on Friday as the eastward movement of a frontal system (just north of the Caribbean), is expected to induce weak troughs extending southward over island chain late Friday into Saturday. A fairly strong trade wind surge could accompany the shear-line/pre-frontal system with pockets of enhanced trade wind showers across the island chain. As the frontal system moves away to our northeast, a Western Atlantic High Pressure System should build across our area by late Saturday.

Moderate to fresh (20-38 km/h) trade winds are expected across the islands today until Friday. An increase can be expected by Saturday with steady fresh (29-38km/h) breeze increasing further on Sunday to strong breeze (39-49km/h). Such winds could cause large branches to be in motion and whistling heard in overhead wires, umbrella usage may be difficult.

Of significance, is the effect on the marine conditions due to the western Atlantic High Pressure building. Brisk winds should return across the island chain from Friday night, with an increase in sea swells expected on Saturday. Slight to moderate sea conditions may become generally moderate on Saturday, increasing to rough on Sunday and Monday. Large waves may begin to form and the white foam crests becoming more extensive everywhere with probably some spray. Models suggest, that wave heights could peak up to 4.0m by Monday with north-easterly swells....Advisories/warnings would then be issued.

Slight haze is expected across our area by weekend, which may limit shower activity while reducing visibility.