The Atlantic High Pressure System continues to pump fresh to strong trades across our area bringing brief scattered showers. A possible weakening of the pressure gradient is possible later today/into Thursday, as a frontal boundary moves eastward across the Atlantic. Hence, fresh to occasionally strong breeze (30-50 km/h) should gradually decrease by this evening.

A gradual increase to strong breeze is expected again by Sunday. Moisture converging on the southern edge of the High Pressure will bring occasional cloudiness and showers.

At sea; Large rough waves with a more pronounced long form and white foam crests should be decreasing.
On land; Small trees would be swaying while some large branches may be in motion along with whistling heard in overhead wires (may even burst), umbrella usage would be difficult.
The High Surf Advisory and Small Craft Warning remain in effect until 6pm today as wave heights should retreat this evening, but moderate seas swells on the west and rough sea swells on the east are expected for Thursday and Friday. Sea swells could increase again early next week, mariners should be on the alert.

An upper level jet streams across the eastern Caribbean at about 75kt, providing some enhancement for shower activity. The Western Atlantic High Pressure System should re-establish itself across our islands Thursday, with an elongated zonal-oriented mid level trough deepening across the extreme southern Windward Islands late Thursday/early Friday. The Atlantic High Pressure System should regain full dominance across the region Friday and Saturday, with a few weak pulses crossing the islands. 

No significant dust concentrations (less than 20 ug/m**3) are expected, with occasional slight haze on the horizon due to thin dust patches