The atmosphere will remain relatively dry during the next three days and although a low level trough is forecast to move across the island chain Tuesday night/ Wednesday, showers associated with this trough will be limited. In addition, it is the cool season, and nights are forecast to remain cool.

Monday: Fair to occasionally cloudy with low to moderate chance of isolated showers.

Tuesday: Fair to occasionally cloudy with low to moderate chance of isolated showers.

Wednesday: Partly cloudy to cloudy with a high chance of isolated showers.

Thursday: Mostly Sunny.

Moderate breeze will blow from the north east  to east (NE-E) at 15 km/h to 30 km/h. Seas will be slight to moderate with swells ranging between 1.0m - 1.5m on the western coasts and 2.0m on the eastern coasts. In addition, there will be no significant haze intrusion within this forecast period.