As a High Pressure System builds across our area, noticeable drying out of the atmosphere/reduced cloudiness can be expected. However, a few scattered showers are possible across our islands this afternoon

as a shearline lingers north of SVG (Martinique and Dominica). Isolated showers are possible overnight and Thursday, but a more stable atmosphere can be expected Friday with mostly fair and breezy conditions. Pockets of lower level moisture converging on the southern edge of Atlantic High Pressure System could result in few showers Saturday.

Moderate to fresh (20-40km/h) breeze is expected, with possible strong (near 46km/h) gusts particularly on Friday.  Mean sea-level pressure is gradually rising to range 1016-1018 mb by Thursday as the High Pressure establishes itself across our area. Visibility is slightly reduced due to dust concentrations (20-40 ug/m**3) across our islands, but some thinning out (<20 ug/m**3) is expected by Thursday afternoon.

Moderate to rough seas in open water should continue today, with northerly to north-westerly swells rising up to 1.8 on west and up to 2.5m on east. Occasional large waves and dangerous rip-currents can be expected particularly on the north-eastern, northern, north-western and western coastlines of SVG. The swells resulting from a deep-layered low pressure system in the North Atlantic will continue to propagate large swells southwards to the eastern Caribbean for at least another 36 to 48 hours. Therefore, the HIGH-SURF ADVISORY and SMALL CRAFT WARNING will be extended until 6:00 p.m Friday 9th March, 2018.

These swells northerly swells could rise overnight to near 2.0m on west and 3.0m (10ft) on the east, creating unsafe conditions. Small craft operators, sea-bathers and other users of the sea are being advised to stay out of the water, especially in the areas identified.