There is a low chance of showers today, with this chance gradually increasing from tonight into tomorrow as a shear-line moves down over the island chain. Cloudy conditions are forecast for Wednesday as instability approaches the island to affect Wednesday night.

Monday: Partly cloudy with few isolated showers. High chance of scattered showers after midnight. 

Tuesday: Mostly cloudy with a high chance of scattered showers during the morning, becoming partly cloudy.

Wednesday: Mostly cloudy as instability approaches the island.

Winds will blow generally from the east (E), veering to east south-east(ESE) on occasions at 15 km/h-30km/h. Seas are forecast to be smooth to moderate with swells ranging between 0.5m to 2.0m. There will be no haze intrusion during this forecast period.

Meteorological Forecaster: Desiree Neverson-Jack