The Atlantic High Pressure System is dominant across the islands. However, some low level cloud patches occasionally cause cloudy skies with isolated showers. Overnight into early morning Saturday, a few scattered showers are possible. Meanwhile, hazy conditions are expected to increase due to dust concentrations.

A weakening of the High Pressure across the island chain could result in a shearline affecting mainly the Leeward Islands overnight into Saturday, followed by a trough system on Sunday associated with a pre- frontal boundary.

The weakening of the High Pressure across our area should result in decreased wind speeds Saturday, with wind direction backing from east-south easterly to east-north easterly by late Saturday with few scattered showers Sunday. Models indicate a sharp trough could be induced just east and approaching the island chain Monday. As an inverted trough meets air mass moving around the south western edge of the Atlantic High, the chance for shower activity could increase late Monday.

Fresh (25-38km/h) easterly breeze is expected to decrease to moderate by late Saturday, becoming possibly gentle late Monday. Mean sea-level pressure could dip slightly by Sunday evening (1010-1012mb).

Harmless small streaks of Sargassum sea weed are along coastal areas. Slight to moderate seas in open water should continue tomorrow, falling to slight by Sunday before rising again by middle of next week.