As the surface trough continues to move north-west, a few showers will continue to be generated across the northern Windwards while a weak ridge of high pressure will re-establish itself across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Mostly partly cloudy conditions with the small chance of a few isolated showers are forecast for this afternoon and tonight.  Wind speeds are expected to gradually increase and some breezy conditions may also be experienced.

No significant shower activity is forecast for the next few days. Around Tuesday evening shallow moisture may generate occasional cloudiness and a few scattered showers, and on Wednesday, the Atlantic high pressure system will regain full dominance across the region and some early morning showers due to shallow moisture embedded within the trade wind flow are likely. Furthermore, weak instability can be seen approaching from the north east around Wednesday night generating a few scattered showers to the northern portion of the island.

Seas are to remain slight to moderate in open waters with swells peaking to 2.0m. In addition haze intrusion tomorrow is forecast, to increase in intensity by Wednesday reducing visibility.