Bands of moisture converging on the southern edge of the High Pressure are crossed our area yesterday into early morning. A drying of the atmosphere is already noticeable. Meanwhile, a wake cloud off Barbados by late morning should stretch towards mainland, St.Vincent with a few scattered showers later this afternoon.

A couple dry cyclonic circulations should lose energy, crossing the islands as low level shearline/trough features over the next few days. The first weak shearline/surface to low level trough is expected overnight and another late Friday with occasional cloudy skies and few scattered showers.

A lower level trough (oriented North/south) should be approaching the region late Saturday, with moisture converging behind the axis on Sunday. Models indicate possible deep convective activity overnight Sunday.

Moderate to fresh (25-38 km/h) easterly breeze can be expected this afternoon, veering to east-south east on Friday. Winds should be backing to east-northeast on Sunday with the approach of the lower level trough.

Mean sea-level pressure, should range 1014-1016 mb, steadily rising to 1016-1018 mb by Saturday.

Moderate to rough sea swells could peak near 2.0m on the west and 3.0m on the east coast should be falling slightly by Saturday…. A Small craft warning is in effect for above normal sea swells and brisk winds. Patches of Sargassum sea-weeds line some shorelines, which could create smelly fumes at some bays. Thin patches of dust concentrations across our islands with varying in intensity should thicken late Sunday to reduce visibility and air quality.