Instability from the weak low level trough will continue to dominate weather pattern across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines over the next 24 hours. Low level moisture is high and satellite imagery is depicting a cloud mass to the east of the island chain to possibly affect the islands by tonight resulting in some showers. 

An east south-easterly wind flow at low levels is forecast to bring moisture into the vicinity from the equatorial regions and model guidance still shows a high chance (80%) for some showers around Monday afternoon. But mid level is still relatively dry, with the highest increase in moisture seen around Tuesday night into Wednesday. This is due to the presence of a mid to upper level low across the vicinity around this time period. However, model guidance is indicating that the convection is confined mostly over the Leewards and Northern Windward islands. 

A decrease in wind speeds may be noticeable as of tonight and east to east south-easterly winds at approximately 25km/h is forecast for tomorrow and Tuesday. An increase to approximately 30km/h – 40km/h is forecast to return around Wednesday and slight to moderate sea conditions will become generally moderate with swells peaking to 2.5m on the east coast on Wednesday. 

Slight haze intrusion will dissipate by Monday afternoon.