Instability from low level troughs embedded within the Atlantic high pressure system will continue to affect Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for the next few days. Moderate to heavy showers reducing visibility are possible tonight as satellite imagery depicts a cloud mass approaching Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Moisture lingering behind of this trough will cause some showers tomorrow mainly over the northern portion of the island. Moisture at mid to upper levels remain elevated throughout this forecast period (up to Tuesday night), but it is around Monday into Tuesday that a surge of moisture is seen moving into the vicinity due to firstly, the favourable positioning of an upper level jet and secondly, due to the arrival of a mid level trough from the North West. Model guidance is indicating most of the convection to be confined to the Leewards and Northern Windward Islands. However, it is likely that instability can dip southwards resulting in some showers over Saint Vincent & the Grenadines. 

East North- Easterly winds averaging between 20km/h to 40km/h will continue, becoming mostly from the East South-East by tomorrow. A drop off in wind speed to approximately 20km/h is likely around Tuesday.  

An improvement in sea conditions are forecast with swells peaking to 1.2m on the west coast and 2.0m on the east coast. 

Model guidance is indicating a fluctuation in haze intrusion over the next few days.