An Atlantic High Pressure is establishing itself just north of the island chain, but weak troughs/shear-lines continue to cross our area. A weak shearline is expected across our islands (SVG) overnight into early Thursday with scattered showers. Increased chances for shower activity is anticipated Friday into Saturday

as another low level shearline with an associated mid-level trough is expected across the area. Moisture levels should be elevated on Saturday with models indicating rainfall accumulations 30-45 mm could be possible across parts of SVG.

Moderate easterly breeze (20-30 km/h) can be expected to become fresh (29-38 km/h) overnight, veering to east south-east on Thursday. Fresh east north-east trades should prevail on Friday into Saturday.

Mean sea-level pressure should generally range 1014 - 1016 mb, rising to 1015-1017 mb by Saturday. Sea swells are expected to be slight on the west (peak 1.2 m) and slight to moderate (peak 1.8 m) on east, but increased wind speeds could result in wave heights occasionally ranging between 1.5 m - 2.0 m Friday and Saturday across on west and east coasts. Further increase on east coasts, are possible by Sunday which may trigger issuance of an advisory to exercise caution.

Thin patches of dust concentration of varying intensity occasionally reduce visibility on the horizon.