A surface to low level shearline is moving through the islands, generating occasionally cloudy skies with scattered showers.  Additionally, a mid-level trough would enhance keep moisture levels elevated tonight into Saturday.

Some moderate showers are possible especially in higher elevations and models indicate rainfall accumulations 30-45 mm could be possible across parts of SVG.

The Central Atlantic High Pressure System continues to build north of the island chain on Sunday, with moisture pooling across the central Windward Islands (just north of SVG on Sunday). Brisk wind flow from the High Pressure System could bring few passing showers across our area on Sunday. By Monday, an easterly wave/trough should be approaching the island chain with occasional cloudiness and showers late Sunday into Monday ( 1-2 inches rainfall accumulation possible).

Moderate to fresh breeze (20-38 km/h) are converging from the east south-east, should be backing to east north-east trades by tonight.

Mean sea-level pressure should range 1012-1014 mb, gradually rising (1015-1018 mb by Sunday) as the High pressure builds and shifts southward. Sea swells from the ENE are expected to be slight to moderate (1.0 m-1.8 m) gently rising to range 1.5 m - 2.4 m coming from the East by Sunday evening. This rise would be monitored and an advisory to exercise caution may be issued.

A mass of Saharan dust is expected to approach the islands. Over the weekend, haze intensity could vary, but dust concentrations (20-40 µg/m3) could thicken by Tuesday, reducing visibility and air quality (DUex 6…. PM1, 17 PM2.5, 26 PM10 in µg/m3).

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