Date: Sunday, 8th July 2018
Valid from: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Tropical Storm Beryl 14.4 North 57.9West, About 130 miles northeast of Barbados. Max sustained winds 45 MPH/75KMH. Moving WNW AT 23 mph/37kmh.


Partly cloudy to cloudy becoming overcast with pockets of moderate to heavy showers, gusty winds periods of moderate to heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms.

Weather Advisory: None
Winds: ENE to ESE at 15 to 60 km/h with winds gusting to storm force
Sea Conditions: Moderate to rough in open water, with swells 2.5 m to 3.0 m

Small craft warning is in effect for above normal sea swells

Tides:8th July 2018 
High: 12:12 am 1:32 pm  
Low: 6:21 am 9:42 pm