Thursday March 6th |
Friday March 7th |
Saturday March 8th |
Fair-partly cloudy, isolated showers |
Fair-partly cloudy, isolated showers |
Partly cloudy-cloudy, a few showers |
Weather Advisory/Warning: None |
Weather Advisory/Warning: None |
Weather Advisory/Warning: None |
Seas: Slight to moderate 1.0m to 1.8m / 3ft to 6ft |
Seas: Slight to moderate 0.5m to 1.5m / 1.5ft to 5ft |
Seas: Slight to moderate 0.5m to 1.5m / 1.5ft to 5ft |
Marine Advisory/Warning: None
Marine Advisory/Warning: None
Marine Advisory/Warning: None
Weather Discussion:
A few showers are likely this (Wednesday) evening, as weak unstable conditions linger across across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG). Mid-way through the historical dry-season (December-May), shallow clouds continue to bring a few/isolated showers across SVG. Over the next few days, good visibility can be expected across our area.
Wind speeds are gradually decreasing across our islands, with moderate-occasionally fresh (20 - 30km/h) breeze varying between easterly and east southeasterly in some locations. Wind directions are likely to turn east northeasterly, with gentle-moderate (15 - 25km) breeze across our islands by Friday and over the weekend.
Sea conditions are slight to moderate in open water, with swell ranging 1.0m to 1.2m west of our islands and 1.5m to 2.0m east of our islands…Small-craft operators and sea bathers should continue to exercise caution for above normal swells today. However, swell heights are gradually falling and expected to near 0.5m west of our islands and 1.5m east of our islands by Friday and over the weekend.
Meteorological Forecaster: Joan Mc Donald